Monday, March 21, 2011

Wilson and His 14 Points

President Wilson proposed 14 points that would help stop the outbreak of future wars. Four of these points were self-determination, free trade, end to secret treaties, and a League of Nations. Self-determination is great because it allows for people to pick what type of government they want to live under. Today, people pick the leaders they want in office and they have a say in the government in most areas throughout the world. There is also free trade throughout the world but there isn't really much of secret treaties which so far three of Wilson's points have remained. The League of Nations which was Wilson's last point was also the biggest flop. The League of Nations fell apart right before the start of World War II simply because it didn't have the strength in numbers to be a global peace keeping organization. The most effective of these 4 points in trying to prevent war would have to be self-determination. People have a say in their government so they are alot less likely to try and revolt against it and start chaos throughout the world.

Political Cartoon

In this cartoon, President Wilson of the United States is sitting writting up a declaration of war to congress. In his left hand he is holding a news article of American ships sinking without any warning killing Americans. The cartoonist uses the sinking of the Lusitania and Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare to get congress to declare war and allow the United States to join in on World War One. I really like this cartoon because i feel like it is just one of the many reason for the United States to get involved in the war and i feel like we were right for joining the war effort and defeating the Central Powers.

Women During World War I

Women during World War I had their lives affected tremendously. When WWI became a total war, women were now needed to work and governments turned to them while their men were off fighting in war. Women replaced men in all fields such as in factories, offices, and shops. Women also aided the troops. They supplied the men with food, clothing, and weapons. Women also built tanks, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. When the war was over, women almost went obsolete in the areas in which they covered the men for during the war. But as a result, opinion changed on what the capability of what a woman could do.

Armenian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide is a massive killing of the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire throughout the 1890's and the critical time during World War I. But lets back up a little bit before this. In the 1880's, the Armenian Christain population in the Ottoman Empire grew to around 2.5 million. The Muslim Turkish rulers clashed with these Armenians and tensions grew between them. Turkish troops killed thousands of Armenians throughout the Ottoman Empire in the 1890's. Things really heated up between the two groups when World War I started in 1914. Armenians sided with the Turks' enemies especially Russia during WWI. During the war, the Turks deported 2 million Armenians and more than 600,000 died of starvation or were killed by Turkish soldiers.